PDF Viewer for WordPress

PDF Viewer is a WordPress plugin that allows you to embed PDF document on your site without using Flash plugin and only rely on JavaScript in order to work. This will make your website HTML5-compliant.

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pdf viewer wordpress envigeek | Envigeek Web Services

PDF Viewer is a WordPress plugin that allows you to embed PDF document on your site without using Flash plugin and only rely on JavaScript in order to work. This will make your website HTML5-compliant. This plugin is powered by Mozilla PDF.js script. PDF.js is an HTML5 technology experiment that explores building a faithful and efficient Portable Document Format (PDF) renderer without native code assistance. The goal is to create a general-purpose, web standards-based platform for parsing and rendering PDFs. PDF.js development is community-driven and supported by Mozilla Labs.

WordPress Plugin Installation Instructions

  1. Install from within WordPress plugin installer, or get from WordPress plugin repository
  2. Activate the plugin through the “Plugins” menu in WordPress.
  3. Go to Settings > PDF Viewer to set default values for the plugin.
  4. Create or edit any page (or post) and insert the shortcode.

WordPress Plugin Usage Guide

Embed the PDF Viewer using shortcode like the following snippet

[pdfviewer width=”600px” height=”849px” beta=”true/false”]http://full-url/document.pdf[/pdfviewer]

Why there is a beta version?

Beta version contains latest updates but may need to be tested. You can try to use the beta version of the viewer if your document could not be rendered properly. You can also use the beta version on selected document only by using beta=”true” in the shortcode.

Is this supported on WordPress Multisite?

In simple words, YES. But if you are using domain mapping plugin, this only works when your backend URL is the same as the frontend. Means you have to make sure the document URL use the website public-facing domain name instead of the multisite domain.

PDF Viewer for WordPress Plugin


WordPress version 3.8 or higher


Envigeek Web Services is a Managed Services Provider (MSP) specialising in digital workspace, web presence and cybersecurity solutions for small and medium businesses (SMB/SME).