Naming it correctly as E-Commerce, E-Store, E-Shop or E-Mall?

Discover the many ways to correctly name your online store. Reasons to choose between E-Commerce, E-Store, E-Shop, or even E-Mall.

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Naming your online store properly is the first step to building a business, and is it that requires creativity, research, and careful thought. The naming process should be taken seriously because it will be the foundation of branding for your business. After all, you are establishing your identity in the marketplace. It’s important to find a name that is memorable, easy to spell, and representative of the kind of products you carry. There are many different aspects to consider when choosing a name for your online store, one should not take any shortcuts or be generic. You want to convey professionalism, interest, and excitement in order to keep your audience engaged throughout the purchase process.


E-Commerce | E-commerce | eCommerce | ecommerce

The word “e-commerce” is a topic that can be easily debated. Should the spelling have a hyphen between the two words, or should it be spelled “ecommerce”?

E-commerce is a term used to describe the selling of goods and services through electronic channels. It is typically accessed through online channels, such as websites or mobile apps. E-commerce provides an opportunity for brick-and-mortar businesses to sell their products without having to maintain a physical store. The first recorded use of this phrase was in 1994 by the International Data Corporation (IDC). The correct spelling for e-commerce is “e-commerce.” This means that consumers or retailers can buy and sell products over the Internet. The definition of e-commerce is often confused with electronic commerce which refers to selling goods via digital formats like DVDs, CDs, etc. E-commerce has become an essential part of the economy and it has been a growing trend for many businesses in recent years.


E-Store | e-store | eStore | estore

When it comes to spelling e-store or eStore, there is no definitive way to spell the word. The decision is up to the individual who created the store. Generally, the word has been spelled as e-store because it is an acronym for “electronic store.” If there was a store that sold only electronic devices such as cell phones and laptops, then they would spell it as eStore. The use of eStore is more common in American English and it is thought that this is because of a spelling error from early computer technology. In British English, the term e-store is used more frequently.


E-Shop | e-shop | eShop | eshop

The term e-shop is not officially recognized in the English language and is one of the most commonly misspelled words in the English language. The word is not spelled with a hyphen as many believe it to be. Eshop is an abbreviated term for electronic shop or best buy store, which is what people are trying to find when they search for the word on Google. For many years, the use of “stores” and “shops” has been a fixture in society. The term itself comes from the French word that literally translates to “trade,” and is the root word for the modern English word “commerce”.


E-mall | e-mall | eMall | emall

E-mall or emall? While many people may not know how to spell “email” correctly, they are far more likely to visit the wrong website if they type in an incorrect spelling. Companies like Yahoo and Google, which receive millions of search queries every day, will make it easier for consumers to find their desired website by redirecting them to an alternate spelling in some cases.There has been a recent surge of discussion over the correct spelling of a new word, emall. So what is the right way to spell this word? This word has been on the rise since 2005 when eBay was on the stock market for one day and spelt it as e-mall on its website. The dictionary lists both spellings as possible, but there are differing opinions from experts in linguistics.

Envigeek Web Services is a Managed Services Provider (MSP) specialising in digital workspace, web presence and cybersecurity solutions for small and medium businesses (SMB/SME).